Opportunities to Donate


Ka rongo i te ia o te aroha, he ngākau māhaki

 To feel genuine intentions is to understand a charitable heart

Can you help?    Our giving during the Covid-19 pandemic

We understand the financial uncertainty and hardship facing so many in our community during these unprecedented times. As parish communities it will be vital that we look for new ways of helping each other in the aftermath of Covid-19. We have been unable to have our usual parish collections which support our parishes, diocese and Caritas with the work of mission. Likewise, our gifts for the St Vincent de Paul foodbank are no longer possible. We invite you to consider giving online, either with a one-off donation or through automatic payments. Alternatively, please keep hold of your envelops until we return.

Giving to your Parish:    Please contact your local parish office for bank account details to start a direct deposit. 

The Catholic Caring Foundation

The Annual Catholic Caring Foundation appeal supports Catholic Social Services and other pastoral support for groups in Otago and Southland that involve the young, vulnerable families and refugees.   

Donations can be made by direct credit to 06-0901-0054866-00.  

Please contact Pauline with your details for a receipt to be issued: 

Email  donations@cdd.org.nz     Phone 03 474 5750. 

Your concern and support is greatly appreciated. +Michael 

The Society of St Vincent de Paul 

The Society of St Vincent de Paul is an international Catholic lay organisation inspired by the Gospels of Jesus Christ. Vincentians work in a caring and practical manner to promote human dignity and justice through personal contact with those in need. If you would like to donate to our cause please direct deposit to St Vincent de Paul Dunedin 03-0883-0186960-000. 

If you require a receipt please email office@stvincentdepauldunedin.nz

Southland Area Council – Bank account details are St Vincent de Paul Southland Area Council General  03-1745-0031076-00. 

If you require a receipt please email tmallon@xtra.co.nz

St. Francis of Assisi Trust 

The St. Francis Trust is a grass roots organisation working with the local community and parishes to look at ways of assisting people, who are facing financial difficulty, through both monetary and non-monetary means.  A big part of our community outreach is food parcels that get made and delivered to local agencies (such as St. Vincent DePaul and the Night Shelter), as well as our weekly free ‘Soup and Buns’ on Thursdays at Mercy Parish over the winter months.

For St Francis of Assisi Dunedin Trust Online donations can be made to  06 0901 0663602 00. More info can be found at https://www.mercyparish.com/st-francis-of-assisi-dunedin-trust.html

Nano Nagle Charitable Trust

Nano Nagle Charitable Trust was formed by the Presentation Sisters and Friends of Nano in 2009 to support children who are unable to attend a Catholic School because of financial hardship.

Last year approximately $30,000 was paid to meet the demands of applications and we can do this only because of the generosity of our donors.  If you would like to support this worthy cause please click here for further information. Thank you. 

Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand

Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand is the New Zealand Catholic Bishops' agency for justice, peace and development. Caritas delivers aid, supports development and advocates for justice around the world, including in Aotearoa New Zealand. We work to make a difference in the lives of people living with poverty or injustice.

You can contribute by calling us at 04 496 1742 or 0800 22 10 22, or by donating on our website https://www.caritas.org.nz/  

Catholic Social Services

We believe life is for living but sometimes things get in our way. We are here to help with a range of integrated services, and great people to help change that story and live life well.  To donate:  Bank Acc. No. 06 0901 0054890 27

Name: Roman Catholic Diocese of Dunedin Catholic Social Services.   

Ngā manaakitanga.   Thank you for your concern and support.