
Laudato Si':  Overview and Resources

We have a diocesan group that discusses and provides resources for caring for our envirnment and Our Common Home.  To find out more or join our Dunedin Diocese (Southland and Otago) Laudato Si’ group, email:

In 2015 Pope Francis wrote the important encyclical letter, Laudato Si', addressing the immensity and urgency of the ecological crisis threatening our common home.  He stated that being protectors of God's handiwork is not an optional or secondary aspect of being a Christian – it is essential to a life of virtue.  

Read more about the document and why it is important below.  (You can scroll through the document by clicking on the popout icon on the top right of the resource). Also included are links to additional resources, prayers and suggestions on ways we can help care for Earth, our common home.

CDD website LS revised 10 Oct 2023.pdf

Laudato Si' Summary

Our Local Diocesan group has provided a summary of Laudato Si' provided here:

LAUDATO SI' overview for Diocesan website 20220302 FINAL PDF.pdf