How to Donate
On-line Donations: How to make an online bank transfer
Instructions: The Bank Account Number to transfer your donation: ANZ 06 0901 0054874 00
Please include the following details in the internet bank transfer:
in Particulars add the name for your parish eg: " Inv.Nth" (if you are in Invercargill North Parish)
in Reference add: "Your Name"
in Code add: "Your mobile number"
The money you give will go to Your Parish.
On the Sundays we have a Special Collection your donation will support:
The Education Collection - February
The Seminary Collection - Easter
The Peter's Pence Collection - June
The Mission Sunday Collection - October
The Caring Foundation Collection - Advent
If you would like to receive an annual donations receipt so you can claim back 33% of your donations, please fill in and submit the form below. We will then send you an annual tax receipt on the 31st of March showing all your donations for the year.