Safeguarding Resources

Catholic Diocese of Dunedin Safeguarding Advisors

Maria Noonan: Safeguarding Advisor

Email:  Phone: 021 292 2753

To report or seek advice, please contact the National Office for Professional Standards for information about the process. 

All allegations of abuse will be taken seriously.

Contact information:

National Office for Professional Standards, P O Box 10199, Christchurch 8145

Office Email:    Phone: 0800114622

Volunteer Safeguarding Induction Checklist Form

Please click here to download and print our diocesan Volunteer Safeguarding Induction Checklist Form

Human Dignity

Below is a link to a good article from Tui Motu InterIslands Magazine on human dignity.

Each Person Has Human Dignity

by Michelle Egan-Bitran — August 1, 2023

Michelle Egan-Bitran writes that for the Church to recover from its history of abuse we must demonstrate respect and love for each person in every aspect of church life.

Click here to read the article

Parish Review Tool

The self-review tool, provides a basis for internal evaluation of the effectiveness of

safeguarding practices, based on the “Standards for Creating and Maintaining a

Safeguarding Culture”. Below is the process that will be followed for your forthcoming

external review by the Catholic Diocese of Dunedin. Please read it carefully, you will

note that the Self Review document will be due to be returned 2 weeks prior to your

parish review.

Click here to read more information

 The National Office for Professional Standards (NOPS) 

This office exists to create a secure and supportive atmosphere in which those who have suffered abuse can disclose to a trusted person in the expectation of receiving a sensitive, caring and compassionate response, and to be supported in their continued healing. NOPS also supports our faith communities to provide environments which respect and acknowledge the dignity of everyone, and where people feel valued and safe. 

Click here for the NOPS website and resources.

 The National Safeguarding Guidelines

These are the guidelines for the prevention of and the response to sexual abuse in the Catholic Church In Aotearoa NZ. 

Creating a Safeguarding Culture 

Leadership of a Safeguarding Parish Culture.pdf

NOPS have made an introductory video about Safeguarding which can be used for all employees and volunteers as part of their induction to their roles in the parish.  The idea is for this to be watched at the same time as they sign the Code of Conduct and receive induction on their roles.


Click here for video: Safeguarding Induction Video - National Office for Professional Standards ( 

Dunedin Diocese Parish Reviews

Safeguarding Self Review Tool 

Who/what is this Self-review Tool for? This Self-review Tool is for you - the Catholic entity or organisation completing it. It gives a framework for looking at your safeguarding practices in detail against the expectations of the Safeguarding Standards. Once completed, it can be used to determine next steps in the development of those practices.

Information for Parishes Prior to Review.docx