Justice and Peace

Kotahitanga, Mohiotanga me te Rangimarie mō ngā iwi katoa puta noa I te ao

Unity, Understanding and Peace for all the people of the world

The Treaty of Waitangi/ Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Church

The Treaty of Waitangi/ Te Tiriti o Waitangi - Have your say on the Treaty

Principles Bill

There will be a Common Grace Aotearoa video workshop to learn about the

government’s Treaty Principles Bill and the main concerns with the Bill from a

Christian perspective.  Monday, 9 December, 7-9pm, St Patricks Community Centre, in the Bart Winters room. The workshop will provide support and submission guides to help people write their own submissions on the Bill, if they choose to do so. For more visit: https://www.commongrace.nz/

Caritas has provided a very helpful document summarising the Catholic position on Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Caritas has also created a submission template to help people have their say on the Treaty Principles Bill. Both resources are available at https://www.caritas.org.nz/advocacy/treaty-principles-submissions.

St. Francis of Assisi Trust, Dunedin

This year marks 10 years since the St Francis of Assisi Dunedin Trust was formed.  Many thanks to all our supporters and volunteers in 2023.  Enjoy our latest newsletter.  

Hari Kirihimete!  Merry Christmas blessings to all.

Manaakitanga Community Engagement Pōwhiri Team

Volunteers - Would you like to be part of the Manaakitanga Community Engagement whiri Team, welcoming people, including former Refugees and Migrants to Dunedin?

The next pōwhiri will be at 11am on Saturday 26 August 2023 (please arrive by 10:30am)

With a second one on 16 March 2024 ( which coincides with the start of Race Relations Week).

For the last three years many community groups and volunteers have been working alongside Araiteuru Marae, in Dunedin, to invite all people, but particularly those new to Dunedin, including former refugees and migrants, to participate in a uniquely New Zealand pōwhiri welcome. These pōwhiri have been held 3 or 4 times a year and are very popular. Each pōwhiri is an opportunity to share conversation, food and cultural activities together- celebrating our ethnic, cultural and religious diversity. It’s about building our sense of belonging and community.

Kotahitanga, Mohiotanga me te Rangimarie mō ngā iwi katoa puta noa I te ao

Unity, Understanding and Peace for all the people of the world

People have been enriched deeply by being part of this experience and have said,

“Beautiful, I can’t say much more than What a marvellous and deeply spiritual experience. I would like to be part of the welcoming team in the future.”

“Thank you for making us feel welcome.”

While these manaakitanga community engagement pōwhiri are currently on hold, due to Covid, we hope to resume them later in the year. Training is provided for volunteers. If you would like to know more about what’s involved as a volunteer please contact Lynne Toomey ph 021 043 0536 or email lynne.toomey@gmail.com

Talitha Kum - End Human Trafficking

Talitha Kum Dunedin, is a group of people who are committed to playing their part in combatting human trafficking. We may think that trafficking, the exploitation of other human beings for profit, doesn’t happen in Aotearoa New Zealand. Sadly, it does. New Zealand is both a source and a destination country for trafficking and exploitation. Areas of high risk are: vineyards, orchards, the fishing industry, bars and restaurants. At the moment our group's main aim is to raise awareness of the issue of trafficking / modern slavery in our church and community through the written word, public meetings and offering times of reflection and prayer.

Talitha Kum Dunedin meet monthly via Zoom and would be delighted to welcome people from all around the diocese. The more people that are aware of and alerted to the issue of modern slavery, the more effective Talitha Kum can be. Talitha Kum, Dunedin is part of an international ecumenical and interfaith network which works with and alongside other likeminded groups worldwide.  There are Talitha Kum groups in 92 countries, including three in Aotearoa New Zealand – Auckland, Wellington and Dunedin. 


 Catholic Social Teaching

Pope Francis, in his latest book, ‘Let Us Dream- the Path to a Better Future’ talks about the richness and beauty of Catholic Social Teaching:

‘ Jesus gave us a set of key words with which he summed up the grammar of the Kingdom of God: the Beatitudes. They begin in the hope of the poor for the fullness of life, for peace and fraternity, for equity and justice. ..Reflecting on the Kingdom of God in response to the way we live in the modern world, the Church has developed a series of principles for reflection, together with criteria for judgment that also offer directives for action. It is known as Catholic Social Teaching ( CST). While they are drawn from reflection on the Gospel, its principles are accessible to all, seeking to translate and set in motion the Good News in the here and now.

The criteria are truly expressions of love, that is, they seek to set in motion dynamics that allow people to feel loved, especially the poor, who are able to experience their true value…’

In 2020 Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand prepared updated resources on Catholic Social Teaching  https://caritas.org.nz/catholic-social-teaching.